A Movie released
"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" is the latest theatrical version of the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series and will be released on January 26, 2024. This is the first new game since "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY" in 2004. Director Mitsuo Fukuda and screenwriter Chiaki Ryosawa collaborated again, with character design by Hisashi Hirai. The story's background is set in the "C.E. (Cosmic Chronicle)" world and continues the adventures of Kira Yamato and Aslan Sara. The film shows intense battle scenes and exquisite visual effects.
New model released
The new theatrical version also includes the "Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam" model from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM." This Gundam will be available in toy stores, home electronics stores, and major e-commerce platforms nationwide on May 25, 2024. The model price is 2970 yen (tax included).
Model details
Design and functionality:
SEED action system: The internal structure is specially designed to reproduce the classic action postures in the play, especially the independent up and down swing functions of the leg joints.
Material and appearance: The gold part is made of materials with an enhanced metallic lustre. The wings can be widely moved. The white wings have eight sliding parts to reproduce the unfolded state.
Luminous effect: Use 3D metal stickers to express the luminous effect.
The new wing, "Floral Wing," Can be displayed alone and comes with the blade part of the actual sword "Florida." Two surface treatments are used to express the difference in texture.
Arms: Includes forehead cannon, waist rail gun, beam sabre, beam shield, etc. The connection state of the beam sabre can also be reproduced.
Since the announcement of the theatrical version, it has been enthusiastically anticipated by many fans, especially the classic elements of the Gundam series and the new plot developments. The trailer's release further fueled fans' enthusiasm, with the film's visuals and action scenes striking.
"HG 1/144 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" is priced at 2,970 yen (tax included)